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HYSH Surya-222
Suitable for all types of soils and agro climatic conditions.
Good seed setting and widely adopted.
Matures in 95-100 days than the popular hybrid sunbed matures in 100- 105 days.
Recorded 15 Quintals per acre than the popular hybrid (Sun bred 275)12 quintals per acre.
Hybrid possessing high oil content 42 per cent as compared check hybrid 275 (38 per cent).
Sunflower Hybrid
HYSH Surya-222
Suitable for all types of soils and agro climatic conditions.
Good seed setting and widely adopted.
Matures in 95-100 days than the popular hybrid sunbed matures in 100-105 days.
Recorded 15 Quintals per acre than the popular hybrid (Sun bred 275)12 quintals per acre.
Hybrid possessing high oil content 42 per cent as compared check hybrid 275 (38 per cent).
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